Thursday, July 16, 2009

Today's Mile Sucked

Today's mile: 11"51'

It sucked. Now I have a huge headache. And I haven't even had a drink in about a week.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Today's Mile and the Wii

I have been a bad girl. I have not run since Saturday. I have no excuse. I could give you a list of reasons, but I can ALWAYS make time for a run. *Sigh*

Since I have not run since *ahem* Saturday, my run suffered today.

Today's mile was 12'30." Three factors contributed to a bad run time today:
1) I haven't run since Saturday
2) It was VERY hot out when I went (11am in Middle Georgia in Mid-July- yep, it's already 90 out), so I ran a lot LESS than usual. Not slower when I did run, but LESS running.
3) I brought Roxy with me. I will not do that again. AJ got upset that he didn't get to go and Roxy feels the need to pee on everything we pass, which is not conducive to running.

In another step toward health and fitness, we got a Wii and Wii Fit. Well, I went in halvsies with my sister's family on the Wii last year and have played it approximately four times, so she let me borrow it for a while with all their awesome games and accessories. We are purchasing a Wii later this summer. Used. From a friend.


I started Wii Fit and it told me I am OVERWEIGHT! I can do all the exercises it wants me to do pretty well, and I get good scores on the yoga and strength stuff. But according to the wonderful makers of Nintendo, I need to drop about 18 lbs. Thanks, Japan!

Hopefully tomorrow's mile will be better.

Keep on running!
Mrs. Non-Runner

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Today's MIle and a Word About Progress

Today's mile was 11'35" and I swear I am not cheating in any way! I think I'm just really kicking my own ass. I used to do this walk/shuffle thing when I ran, and I hated running. It hurt, I was REAAAALLY slow, and I made no progress. Ever. And now for our word about progress:


Haha. No really, though. Progress is motivating. It makes me want to get up and do it again tomorrow, just to see if I can beat it. I know I will eventually hit a wall where progress stops, but right now I'm enjoying it.

I haven't weighed myself since the beginning and I don't think I'm going to.

Adding the 2nd mile this week. Even if I have to walk the whole thing!

Keep on running!
Mrs. Non-Runner

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Getting Better!

Today's run time: 12'10"

When should I add the second mile?

Yoga tonight! Woo!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Today's Mile and Yoga Story

Today's Mile was 12'34." I'm pretty sure it was from running faster, not more. I ran the same distances as I did Monday (this driveway to that street, that street to that corner, etc...).

I learned a very important lesson today, too: Don't run on trash day before the trucks have come. I nearly barfed a couple of times. What the hell do people put in their trash?

I'm also taking yoga twice a week and my friend Sarah is about to put me on a hardcore strength training program. I am surprisingly good at yoga. I'm much more flexible than I though I was (blame that on the honeymoon, wink, wink!).


There is this one move called The Plow. For those of you not familiar with the yoga lingo, it looks like this:

It is pretty painful, even for skinny people. You end up staring at your belly button face-to-face.

If only I'd had that luxury. My boobs and belly are so big that if we stayed there for more than oh, say, ONE SECOND, my chesticles threatened to permanently cut off my air supply and my belly was not just staring me in the face, but squishing my nose. Much like this:

Hopefully as the weeks go on, my body will no longer try to kill me.

Keep on running!

Mrs. Non-Runner

Monday, July 6, 2009

Today's Run Time and Belly Progress

Update: Also went to yoga for an hour today. Yay progress!

Today I ran/walked one mile and my time was 13' 16"

Today's weight in running shoes, t-shirt, and shorts is 147.


My "Aha" Moment

Last month I was getting dressed for a concert and went to put my dress blues on. I knew I had gained a little weight. Little did I know I had actually gained a LOT of weight. Suffice it to say it took a can of Crisco and a crowbar to wedge me in to those pants. The zipper suddenly became afraid of heights and refused to zip more than half way. (Well, maybe it was afraid of being suffocated by the mass of my now-giant belly). I had to use the little tab for the button inside the pants to keep them up. All this and I hadn't even gotten to the jacket yet! Luckily for me, my shirt is too big by a lot so when I was seated you could not tell that I had been poured in to my blues pants.

That was the moment I said, "No more."

I am getting older, which means I have to be more vigilant about keeping the weight off. I also have aspirations of one day passing a PT test, which I have not legally done in SIX YEARS. I have decided that running will put me back in to the shape I want to be in. I am fully aware that I will never look like I looked at 22. Lord help me, I wish I knew then what I know now- I would have been naked CONSTANTLY at 22 if I knew what I would balloon out to at 27! I just hope to be able to fit back in to my old clothes (I am down to one pair of comically large pants that fit- I've taken to wearing dresses) and pass a PT test.

I also want to start a family soon, and I do not want to be fat before or during pregnancy.

This is where I'll be posting my progress. There will be pictures of my naked belly to track my progress every now and then. Maybe every 2 weeks. There will also be progress of my run time. It is one mile around the circle of my neighborhood so it should be easy to track. I would LOVE feedback from those of you who are in this same boat and would like to keep me informed of your progress. Just leave me comments or shoot me an email.

Let's start here: What was your "Aha" moment?

Keep on running,

Mrs. Non-Runner